How to reduce cellulite?
By Linda Soares
There are skinny and sporty people too with cellulite. It is not just a skin condition that manifests itself as skin becomes loose and dimpled. It is an underlying issue. Often referred to as being like “cottage cheese” or “orange peel” in appearance, it can make you feel self-conscious when selecting the length of your skirts and shorts or when you have to wear a swimming costume. Good news is that knowing the facts about cellulite can help you to reduce it or get rid of it completely.
I had it for a while too as a teenager but I made it disappear naturally without knowing I was doing it. I only realized what happened once I became a personal trainer and my clients started to ask me about it. Let me share my research & tips with you.
What is cellulite?
- It can be a sign of body pollution when fatty, toxic and water deposits build up in the skin. These deposits come from the food we eat. The higher the body fat level the worse it can look. Detoxifying the body with healthy eating and good quality supplements are essential to feel and look great. Eliminate bad carbs, consume food low in bad fat but containing the good ones with plenty of water can help to wash away toxins, resulting in smoother skin. Eat foods that are fresh, organic and alive.
- Another issue is structural imbalance/weakness (muscle atrophy) which doesn’t always show clearly when observing the area but in many cases the muscles even look flat. That means the muscles on the buttocks or thigh areas are not strong enough. A lot of people have structural imbalances even if they are working out.
Do you have thunder thighs but no back of thigh muscles or buttocks (that is who I was)? Welcome to the club! This comes from doing too much of certain exercises or doing them incorrectly or having muscle activation issues. Muscle activation issue is when certain muscles of the body unable to contract efficiently. The muscles become un-toned and everything over can sag and droop.
It happens because when you think you are working on those areas you might not be activating them properly. Perhaps you are attending your favourite classes where you love the atmosphere and the music but the repetition is too high to achieve proper muscle tone or the tempo is too fast to contract them properly. Sometimes the selected moves are not doing any favours by carry on strengthening the already strong parts.
Please don’t be deceived by strange sounding clinical terms, superficial or even unnatural and sometimes painful treatments. Listen to your guts!
Which exercises are reducing cellulite?
Especially those exercises are great which are strengthening the muscles where you can see the cellulite appearing. It is very simple. You have to start with the most basic exercises and contract the affected muscles as much as you can. Squeeze them consciously when the shortening/contracting
phase of each exercise happens. You do not have to kill yourself with too heavy weights. Just be gradual! If you over exert yourself on your first session your will power might drop by the second.
Exercises like the clam, hamstring curls, etc. are the best to start with when executed correctly. There are several variations of them with body weight, free weights and machines. Suitability depends on how bad your problem is and how strong you are.
Seek advice from an experienced professional to create balance in your body!!!
Foods that help to fight cellulite
Citrus fruits, ginger and mint: Help to eliminate toxins trapped and reduce the volume of the cells.
Green tea: Reduces the symptoms of water retention, detoxifies and helps in weight control.
Water: Drink minimum 1.5 to 2 litres to improve blood circulation and to eliminate toxins.
High quality protein: Builds muscle fibres. It helps to avoid muscle brake down and the effect of catabolism, causing accumulation of fat tissue.
Healthy fats: Flax seeds (oil or flour), extra virgin olive oil and coconut oil are rich in omega-3 and have anti-inflammatory activity essential to stop cellulite.
Berries: Help to strengthen blood vessels and lymphatics. Also have a low glycemic index, affecting insulin production very little.
Beans: Legumes like beans do not cause sudden increase in blood glucose therefore the insulin release to the blood stream is not high , which reduces the possibility of cells inflaming.
Broccoli: Vegetables like broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, fennel, watercress and radish help to eliminate toxins in the blood and lymphatic circulation.
Warm rgds,
Linda Soares